Sunday, April 1, 2012

Beginning of a Journey

It all started in January, but it really should have started sooner than that.  I noticed that I had a lump in my stomach.  I say that is should have started sooner because during the fall I just thought I was getting fat but that was not the case.  The lump turned out to be an ovarian cyst that I had removed on March 12th at the American Fork hospital.  It was supposed to be routine.  I had tests done prior to the surgery to rule out cancer so I was supposed to be in the clear. Once they had removed the seven pound cyst along with the ovary it had taken up residence on they tested it and found that there were abnormal cells.  I didn’t think that sounded all that bad. I mean, abnormal? Uh, yeah! It was a seven pound growth in my stomach that wasn’t a baby.  The only thing that should be growing in a ladies belly is a baby!  So of course it was not normal.  Come to find out that is the word doctors use to cushion the blow when they then proceed to tell you that you have cancer.

I had to heal from my surgery, I was in the hospital three days, and then pretty stationary for the next two weeks as my six inch incision healed.  Then on Wednesday March 28th I had my first appointment with Dr. Soisson at the Huntsman Cancer institute located on the U of U campus.  He was very reassuring and knows his stuff.  He spent a lot of time answering my questions and giving me my options without trying to sway me into making the decision he wanted me to make.  The bottom line of the visit is that I will be having surgery again on Tuesday April 3rd at the Huntsman Center.  The surgery is going to be a vertical incision this time (what’s one more scare at this point right?)  They will be able to look for cancer, will be removing the other ovary that may have been affected by the cancer cells, and be taking biopsy’s.

As of now I do not know what stage my cancer is.  We are hoping for stage one.  If it is stage one I will have one three month cycle of Chemo therapy and then most likely be done.  If it is anything more advanced then the treatment plan will obviously change accordingly.  We are praying for stage one.

I do not know much more than that.  The biopsies taken will be tested and then I will know what stage my cancer is.  I don’t even have a guess as to how long that process will take.  All I know is that surgery and chemo are in my future.  The chemo will start about a month from now and hopefully be done by the time school starts in the fall so that I can be back to normal for the fun of carpools, sporting events, homework with kids and the usually school year grind.  Bummer that I am going to miss my summer though. Summer and spring are my favorite season of the year! I guess being sick for this years will make me even more grateful for next years.

I have been so blessed as I have gone through everything.  I have had so much love and support from family, friends and my amazing ward family.  Thank you to everyone that has me in their prayers and has been taking care of my family.  I ask that you be sensitive of the fact that my children do not really understand what is going on.  We have told them about Mommy being sick. We have even occasionally used the word cancer, but really what six, five or one year old really know what that even means.  We are taking the obstacles as they come and are preparing them as best we can. Please leave that part to us as their parents and let them be the carefree kids they deserve to be at this age.



  1. I wish and hope and pray for the very best case for you and your sweet family! Keep us updated.

  2. we're here for you! love from your tahitian family

  3. I love that you started a blog! What a great idea to help you through your journey! And I love the name! I think we'll start using it as our family prays for you so we stop slaughtering it! ;)

  4. Rachelle, Dr. Souisson is a fantastic Dr. You are in good hands. He was my moms doctor when she had a huge infection in her ovaries about a year after finishing treatments for stage 4 colon cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!
