Saturday, May 19, 2012


 I am not going to lie, it is an adjustment suddenly having no hair. I
was well prepared for it to happen and I think I have handled it well.
I mean, why did no one tell me how cold your head gets without hair
on it? Maybe it had something to do with the freakishly cold May
weather we had today but my head was cold all day and my poor ears
about froze off my head!

I guess I should back up a bit. As of two days ago my hair started
coming out. It wasn't in great big sections or anything like that.
Anytime I ran my fingers through my hair I would end up with a good
15-20 strands of hair. But going through my hair once didn't solve
the problem, no matter how many times I ran my fingers through my hair
more hair would come out. Not only that by my head was sore. Having
hair actually made my head sore. It felt like I had had my hair
pulled up tight all day and had let it down and then messed it around
. But that was the constant feeling. Now that I don't have hair it
doesn't feel that way anymore.

So, when you see me next don't be surprised by my rockin new hair do!


  1. Hair doesn’t make a person. Hair just covers our lumps and bumps and Harry potter scars ( we have a rocking harry potter scar from ear to ear over here!) What it does is it makes us Brave... very brave.

  2. You are such a babe! Love your guts!

    1. I have seen pics of my gut and I have no idea how you could love them ;) But I love you too...even your guts!
